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Where is Gulf of Mexico located?

Where is Gulf of Mexico located?

Where is Gulf of Mexico located?
Gulf of Mexico 

The Gulf of Mexico Sea

Just north of the Caribbean is an even larger body of water.

The common routes through the Gulf of Mexico include Veracruz, a federal entity of Mexico, which lies on almost 1/3rd of its Eastern Coast.

The larger body of water was a dominant trading route for the Incans and Mayans, who lived in the Yucatan Peninsula and surrounding regions.

A large body of water is warmer than other areas in the Atlantic Ocean because it lies in an equatorial region. 

The waters of the Gulf of Mexico are usually five degrees warmer than those on the Atlantic coast, thanks to the Gulf Stream.

Although The Gulf of Mexico is considered a part of The Atlantic, because the ocean has no boundaries, The Gulf of Mexico and The Atlantic are separated from each other still by The Caribbean. 

The Gulf of Mexico is attached to the Atlantic Ocean thru the Florida Straits among the U.S. and Cuba, and with the Caribbean Sea via the Yucatan Channel among Mexico and Cuba.

The Gulf of Mexico is connected with the Atlantic Ocean through the Straits of Florida, between the island nations of Cuba and the United States. 

Covering an area of 1,507,639 km2, the Gulf is the rim of the ocean, and is the largest gulf in the world.

Gulfs is a large oval-shaped oceanic basin located along the southeast coast of North American continent, and is bordered by the U.S. states of Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, and Florida to the north, northeast, and northwest; the Mexican states of Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, and Yucatan to the south and southwest; and the island of Cuba to the southeast.

 Gulf of Mexico is an oceanic basin surrounded by North America, that is, by Mexico, Cuba, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama.

An ocean basin, it is bordered to the northeast, north, and northwest by the U.S. Gulf Coast, to the southwest and south by Mexico, and to the southeast by Cuba. 

The southeast part of the Gulf of Mexico is crossed by the rivers-like current which became a major source for the Gulf Stream in the north Atlantic; this is the main current moving oceanic water across the gulf.

Due to a lack of high-powered waves to stir up and sweep away shells, sediment, and trash from the Atlantic coast, The Gulf proudly offers Gulf Of Mexicos spectacular, distinctive teal tones, but it frequently loses its soothingroarof the ocean.

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