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Where is the Sea of Marmara?

Where is the Sea of Marmara?

Where is the Sea of Marmara?
The Sea of Marmara 

The marmara region is bordered by the black sea to the north, the mediterranean sea to the west, and the aegean sea to the south.

The Sea of ​​Marmara supports diverse marine ecosystems and is a transition zone between the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. 

It is also an important ecological sea gateway and plays an important role in the dispersal and migration of aquatic organisms.

Marmara Sea, Turkey Marmara Denizi, historically Propontis, the inland sea partially separates the Asian and European parts of Turkey. 

It is connected to the Black Sea to the northeast by the Bosphorus and to the Aegean Sea to the southwest by the Dardanelles. 

It is 175 miles (280 kilometers) long from northeast to southwest and nearly 50 miles (80 kilometers) wide at its greatest latitude. 

Despite its small area of ​​only 11,350 square kilometers (4,382 square miles), its average depth is about 494 meters (1,620 feet), reaching a maximum of 1,355 meters (4,446 feet) in the center.

 It doesn't have a strong current. 

The salinity averages 22 parts per thousand and is highest at the end closest to the Dardanelles.

 The ocean was formed by the movement of the Earth's crust about 2.5 million years ago. 

It is located in an area with frequent earthquakes.

The Mediterranean Sea (Akdeniz in Turkish) is surrounded by Asia to the east, Europe to the north, and Africa to the south.

 It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean to the west by the Strait of Gibraltar. 

It is also connected to the Red Sea in the southeast by Egypt's Suez Canal, an artificial canal built in 1869.

 In the east, it is connected to the Sea of ​​Marmara via the Dardanelles. 

The Aegean and Marmara Seas are generally considered part of the Mediterranean Sea. 

The Mediterranean region of Turkey is also named after it.

The marmara sea is a body of water located in southeast anatolia and east thrace, between the balkans and the anatolian mainland.

The Sea of ​​Marmara is located within the North Anatolian fault, which is the main continental transition boundary formed by the intersection of the Eurasian plate and the Anatolia-Aegean plate. 

It stretches for more than 1,500 kilometers, 20 kilometers south of Istanbul, westward through northern Turkey, through the Marmara and Aegean Seas.

The Sea of ​​Marmara is also an inland sea in the Marmara region and is described as a "biological corridor" for many migratory species between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. 

The Aegean Sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea between mainland Turkey and Greece and contains thousands of islands, islets and rocks.

The Marmara region takes its name from the Sea of ​​Marmara, an inland sea completely within the borders of Türkiye. Marmara is where Europe meets Asia Minor. 

To the east is the Aegean Sea and the Dardanelles (Strait of Gallipoli), and to the west is the Bosphorus, which leads to the Black Sea. 

It is famous for Istanbul, the largest and most famous city in Turkey.
