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What is special about the Yellow Sea?

What is special about the Yellow Sea?

What is special about the Yellow Sea?
Yellow Sea 

The Yellow Sea is the fourth largest sea in the world and the third largest body of water in Asia. 

It is also one of the world's most famous natural wonders. 

The sea's name comes from its color, which is due to a combination of sand and silt from river deposits.

 Its depth also contributes to its fame; at its deepest point, the sea reaches 792 feet. 

That's deeper than the height of the Statue of Liberty, and more than 100 feet deeper than Lake Michigan.

Most people think of the word 'sea' as a reference to the ocean. 

In that sense, this is not a true ocean.

 However, it is still a very big body of water that connects several countries. 

The largest part of the sea is in China and Korea- these two countries call it the Yellow Sea.

 It's quite wide compared to other seas, which makes it even more amazing. 

China and Korea are separated by this huge body of water.

The waves in the Yellow Sea are especially huge since it's so large. 

Waves can be up to 100 feet high at times- that's almost as tall as the Statue of Liberty! Fortunately, waves don't last long when compared to other famous natural wonders. 

For example, Victoria Falls only lasts for a few hours before calming down. 

That's because these waters aren't very salty or cold; they're just normal seawater with a little bit of silt thrown in.

One way people explore strange new worlds is through movies and games.

 Thankfully, nature has ways of inspiring people too. 

The natural wonder of tides happens here every day.

 High waves push water in one direction while low tide pulls it back again. 

The waves are strong enough to travel great distances and break things apart.

 Fortunately, people have lots of ways to escape from dangerous situations- such as fishing boats- and watch these amazing sights from afar.

There are many other things to see when visiting the Yellow Sea. 

Some visitors enjoy exploring underwater cultures by exploring sea caves and fish farms. 

Other attractions include yellow sand beaches, yellow cliffs and yellow sea grasses that grow on those cliffs.

 China has built many islands off its southern coast in this part of the sea over the past 60 year's. 

They're used for fishing, tourism and military purposes- but they're ideal places to go snorkeling or scuba diving around.

The Yellow Sea is an amazing natural wonder that connects several countries and inspires many creative ideas about nature versus culture. 

It holds many natural attractions like tides or fish farms, or touristy things like islands or scuba diving sites. 

Everyone knows about this strange new world since it connects China with Korea- and it's ready for anyone interested in seeing what it has to offer!
