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North America facts - North America continent

 North America facts - North America continent

North America facts - North America continent
North America 

Westward Expansion

The American West has been the focus of a lot of attention in the past few decades, In particular, the current push by the government to open up the region to more oil and gas drilling has captured the public .imagination.

 But for those who have been following the story for a while, it’s likely you already know that this is just one part of a much wider sweep called “Westward expansion” .

that started way back in prehistoric times.

That’s right – North America used to be populated by many different tribes of people who lived in isolation from each other. 

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As they migrated across what is now known as the “Great Plains” region, these different groups of nomadic Indians came together to form several major tribes. 

As they settled into new regions and intermarried with each other, these tribes developed their own distinctive languages and customs.

North America’s fast-growing cannabis sector is creating a lot of jobs — and that number is only .going to grow.

According to the latest data from the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, North America’s cannabis industry generated over 5,200 new jobs in Q3 2018, up from 3,450 jobs in all of 2017. 

The growth rate in this sector is almost as fast as its demand for talent. 

In fact, even with the recent downturn from recreational marijuana sales, the North American cannabis industry is set to continue its rapid expansion in the coming years. 

Read on to find out why this sector is such a force to be reckoned with and how you can get involved.

The North American continent is home to some of the world's most diverse and variegated natural environments.

 From urban sprawl to vast wilderness, North America has it all. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the various ecosystems that make up the continent, including its five major wildlife regions and their respective fauna.

65% of the world's supply of rhodium comes from a tiny, secretive industry that has been mining the precious metal for more than a century.

 That industry isn't exactly known for its transparency, but it has one thing going for it: It doesn't publicize who is buying rhodium or how much they're paying.

That secretiveness has left many wondering just how much rhodium is being produced in North America and what it is used for.

 Now, with the help of mapping data from the Rhodium Group and new revelations from within the international rhodium industry, we can finally answer these questions.

6. Woodrow Wilson, U.S. President, 1913-21 Wilson's pursuit of international cooperation and his advocacy of a "League of Nations" have been the stuff of legend. 

But was that all there was to him?

In reality, Wilson was a cautious, back-slapping host willing to work with other national leaders at the time to achieve his domestic agenda and avoid unnecessary wars.

 The League of Nations he envisioned would be an essential step toward individual nations eventually achieving world peace.

 To help make this happen, we must look beyond the glowing accounts of his diplomacy and consider his legacy in its entirety.


